A healthy drink that refreshes and heals? That’s Kombucha!


The oldest known refreshing elixir is Kombucha. Some people call it tea mushroom but this actually is a symbiosis of good bacteria and yeast that grows on black and green tea. Scientifically it is classified as a Zoogleal mat. By fermentation, Kombucha gives us a healthy drink that refreshes and even heals our bodies.

What is Kombucha?

Kombucha mushroom (known also as tea mushroom or Japanese mushroom) is a specific microbiological culture that contains good bacteria and yeast that can grow on a green or black tee and gives a specific drink also called Kombucha. This sweet-tasted beverage was known for thousands of years in the past and used as an elixir that contains acidic compounds, microorganisms, and a very small amount of alcohol. It isn’t edible but its beverage has many health benefits.

This biofilm in Kombucha is known as SCOBY forms which mainly contains Acetobacteraceae. It is a source of probiotics, vitamin E, vitamin C, antioxidants, minerals, amino acids, phenolics, and enzymes. A beverage called Kombucha is an anti-hypercholesterolemic, anticancer, anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial, antioxidant, and hepatoprotective drink.


Kombucha is a natural remedy

It is a natural probiotic because contains good bacteria. Balances our microbiome by adding good bacteria but also removes toxins from our intestines and liver. Also, there are studies that show Kombucha’s antidiabetic and anticarcinogenic effects.

What contains this elixir of life?

Kombucha contains vitamins B1, B2, B3, B5, B6, and B12, vitamins C and H (B7), gluconic and glucuronic acid, lecithin, L – lactic acid, and fruit acids such as oxalic, tartaric, citric, octene, and malonic acid. There are small amounts of glucose and fructose, some enzymes, 14 amino acids, biogenic amines, folic acid, and some natural antibiotics. As Kombucha contains polyphenols it also protects the heart, blood vessels, and improves immunity. If somebody has candida infection then drinking Kombucha can help with the symptoms because this is a probiotic beverage.

Who else can benefit from kombucha?

The best-known information about this drink is that it helps digestion so people who suffer from chronic constipation or diarrhea, and hemorrhoids can consume and feel improvement in symptoms. If you have GERB, pyrosis, or bloating then you must try it. Also, Kombucha is a good choice for people with skin problems such as dryness, acne, psoriasis, excessive sebum, and eczema. This is because it contains a lot of vitamins and has substances that act like antibiotics and probiotics so can help you from the inside by improving your microbiome. You can also make covering to the inflamed skin to help reduce inflammation. Kombucha has many benefits for the body so it is a ”must try” for everyone.

You can drink kombucha every day as a refreshing beverage. Some people even replace their coffee or tea with this. Kombucha drink can be very helpful if you are having some health issues such as mentioned above.

You should start with a smaller amount of drink and by the time you can drink almost 1L per day.  But also you should know that this drink can contain alcohol in small doses so little children, and pregnant women should not drink this beverage, especially if you make it at home and don’t know how much alcohol is in it. Also, people with kidney issues need to consult with a medical doctor because detoxifying with Kombucha leads to kidneys that have the main role in it, so probably you should drink it in smaller amounts.

Always consult your medical doctor and if you can then try this, so you can feel health benefits.

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