How to make your own Kombucha

Kombucha beverage

As you may know, we already wrote about this healthy drink that refreshes and heals. This drink contains good bacteria and yeast that can grow on a green or black tee. Has many benefits for our health and it is very tasty for everyday drinking. If you want to learn more about kombucha read this post. But let’s talk about how you can make your own kombucha beverage.

How to grow kombucha from beverage?

The easiest way to make your own kombucha is to find someone who already has this mushroom and ask them to detach one piece of it for you. You will have an adult mushroom that looks like a pancake and will become thicker very soon, so you can start to produce more kombucha beverage.

But if you don’t have someone to give it to you, then you can make your own kombucha from beverage kombucha that you can buy.

First, you should know that if you leave any kombucha drink long enough there will be new mushroom. Some beverages already have mushroom sediment on the bottom of the bottle. It looks like brown little crumbs. So leave that sediment in one glass jar with 500ml of kombucha beverage. Cover it with cotton gauze at room temperature for 7 to 10 days. This would be enough time to grow a thin transparent kombucha. 

How to make kombucha beverage?

Now let’s discuss how to make a beverage from this mushroom. If you got a big mushroom from someone then you can start with more liquid. You will successfully produce a quality kombucha beverage in the end. But if you grow your own kombucha then you need to go with a smaller amount of the tee. By the time increase the amount when you see that mushroom is getting bigger. 

So here’s the recipe for how to make kombucha beverage. This will be the amount of 1L of the tee so you can add or reduce the amount of it according to the size of your mushroom.

Recipe for 1L of beverage

  •  Put the 1L water to boil
  • When is almost heated to boil add 3 to 4 big spoons of sugar to it
  • When it is boiled move it from the hot plate and put 2 bags of green and 1 bag of black tea. If you use a refusal tee just add the same number of big spoons instead of bags
  • Let it stay for 20 min
  • Then put out the bags of tee and let it cool
  • When the tee is cold you can put it in a clean glass jar 
  • Now take your mushroom and try to clean it gently with water under the stream and above the plate (use it because if it slips plate will catch it)
  • When you wash it put it in the jar with a tee and add a little sip of kombucha beverage just to help kombucha to ferment
  • Put the cotton gauze on the top and try to include it with a rubber band so it can breathe but nothing can fall in

So when you have done everything try to find a place where you can put this jar. The best option is to place it at room temperature or a little bit colder than that. Kombucha doesn’t like direct sunlight but also doesn’t like dark. 


Some details you should know 

How kombucha mushroom grows you need to increase the amount of the ingredients like tea and sugar so it can feed it. Sometimes when your mushroom is big enough you can manage with the amount of sugar and tea. If you like less sweetness you can put fewer spoons of sugar. Also, if it is too strong tee you can put fewer bags of the tee.  As time passes you will learn how your kombucha works and be united with it. 

Remember that kombucha can ferment quicker in warmer places, so try not to leave it in the warmest place in the house. Also, if you put more sugar it will be sweeter but also it can speed up fermentation and it can give a little bit stronger taste. 

The color of the tea at the beginning is very dark almost black especially if you use more of the black tea. But over time it becomes lighter and more brown or sometimes even orange ( if it is too fermented).

Also, you should know that the smell of the fermentation reminds you of vinegar. If you know that is almost 7 to 10 days past, there is a lighter color of tea and it smells like vinegar. It is time to change the kombucha beverage. 

Try to sip your new kombucha beverage in the glass bottle and hold it in the fridge. Even then it will ferment but much slower so you will probably drink it all by the new round of beverage comes.

Try this method and grow your kombucha. When it becomes a big mushroom you can use a bigger glass jar and make much more liters for yourself.  

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