Beautiful plant easy to care for? Peace Lily is a wonderful choice

Peace Lily

Peace Lily ( Spathiphyllum ) is a beautiful plant that is very easy for gardening. This plant has a tropical origin but people domesticated it and now it’s very frequent as a house plant. There are some beliefs that say this plant gives luck to women who got it as a gift. Because of that is very popular as a girl’s gift these days. Also, this plant is good to have because it cleans the air and absorbs radiation. So today, when we have all that devices in the house is good advice to have it. 

Peace Lily is very interesting plant

So, for all people who think about bringing some flowers to home but don’t want too many obligations, Peace Lily is for you. Spathiphyllum is very elegant, it has many long leaves and can have one or more flowers. At first, you can think the flower is a big white part that has grown, but that is a special leaf that guards unusually shaped flower inside.  It is beautiful and very useful because it cleans the air from carbon monoxide and formaldehyde. Also, as I said earlier, it absorbs radiation so your place for this plant can be near TV or computer. 

How to water Peace Lily?

Peace Lily doesn’t need too big a flowerpot, it needs to water every 5-7 days and wants moderate sunlight. This is a tropical plant so it needs water but also needs to drain. The best choice is to find some flowerpots with good drainage because roots can be sensitive if there is too much retained water. Also, your plant will tell you if it needs more water with the slight sign of limp leaves. If you have chlorinated water you should leave it a few days to stay in the open bottle so the chlorine can evaporate, or you can use filtered water. I also like to spray leaves (but not the flower) with water or just do the ”showering in the bath” especially in the summer season.

Where is the best place to set it up?

You can put it somewhere in the house that isn’t too light. The best advice is to put it at least 2m from the window. Too much light can make leaves yellow. Room temperature is recommended for good condition. Don’t let your plant to freeze near the door or windows. Dry air isn’t a problem for this plant. Also, it is important to say that this plant is slightly toxic so put it away from children and pets ( don’t let them eat it, it’s not the plant’s purpose). Wash your hands everytime you had contact with it because its powder can be irritating for the skin.

Manuring, growing and blooming of Peace Lily

Of course, every plant likes organic fertilizer so it’s good to add some at the beginning of the spring and autumn. 

If your Peace Lily becomes bigger and uses all water for 2-3 days it’s a sign you need to transplant it in 2 more flowerpots. You can do it when the plant is in the stillness-doesn’t have flowers. You need to take out plant from the flowerpot, then separate new halms ( separate 2 max) and plant them.

This plant, if has good conditions, blooms for almost a whole year. Especially in spring and summer. The flower stays a very long time and it’s very interesting because the special white leaf becomes green. At the end it drys and you need to cut it with scissors at the bottom of the flower’s stalk.

So here it is guys. Hope you like it and maybe buy this plant for your home. I have one and I love it. It brings me joy everytime I see it.

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