Want to make a healthy softener for your family? Here’s this hack!

healthy softener

Today we can buy everything we want in the market but what if we want a homemade solution? What if we can make something that actually works and we know its ingredients don’t harm our bodies? So do you want to make a healthy softener for your family? Here’s this hack!


Softener for clothing is something that many of us like to use. A good smell on everything makes it look like it’s clean and healthier. But is it that true? Many of these products contain harmful and toxic ingredients like methylisothiazolinone, glutaraldehyde, benzyl acetate, limonene, chloroform, fragrances, and many others. They stay on the fabric because softeners do not wash out from the clothes so they slowly absorb through the skin and evaporate in the air.

So these toxic substances can cause allergic reactions like respiratory tract irritations, skin irritations, eye irritations, hormonal imbalances, sterility,  cancers, and many other diseases.

We should know what to choose when we go shopping.  Maybe the easiest way is to make your own healthy softener that contains only 2 ingredients. It’s not harmful to your body because everything is natural and healthy. Probably you already have these ingredients in your house to make healthy softeners.


Make your healthy softener at home!


You will need only 2 ingredients:

1. Alcoholic vinegar (it will soften your clothing)

2. Some essential oil ( it gives you a fresh natural fragrance. My recommendation is to use lavender or eucalyptus, these are my choice )


Mix these two ingredients and you have a ready softener that will be harmless and work its job. Use it as a regular softener and be certain that this one will be much better for you and your family.

Hope you try this life hack that can be life-changing for your health.


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I'm an enthusiastic young writer, who wants to share knowledge with the world. Practicing medicine and learning from life experiences. Thriving to help people through my work. Follow for more Smart Owl work! 😊
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