How to make pudding smooth

Smooth Pudding

If you want something sweet and easy to make the pudding is always a good choice. Everybody likes it but sometimes lumps can be a problem with this sweetmeat. To avoid it here is the recipe for you to make smooth pudding.

Usually, there is an instruction on packing but some ways of making it are the key for smoothness.

How to cook smooth pudding

Use 1 pack of pudding. Put it in a cup. Add some cold milk and mix with a spoon until you see it is fluent and without lumps. In the meantime, pour one pot with 0,5L milk and add 4 spoons of sugar to it (or less if you think is too sweet for you). Leave it on middle heat and wait until it starts to boil. When milk is ready, take it off the burner. Now add pudding mixture slowly and mix it all. When you pour all mixture bring back your pot on middle heat and remember don’t let pudding get burned. Cook it for 1 – 2 min.

You need to mix it all the time and tilt the pot every few seconds. Do this because you will avoid too much heat on the bottom of the pudding. Sometimes you can use boiling water in another bigger pot under it to avoid direct contact between the pudding pot and the burner. This is even safer way to avoid pudding from burning.

How to cool pudding without making lumps

One simple but very useful life hack in this process is using cold water to avoid making lumps or the hardened top.

Use cold water and pour it on the top of the pudding unit you cover the whole surface. Do it slowly and try to do it on the edge of the pot so you don’t damage the surface of the pudding. Leave it now to cool then pour out water slowly. After this, you will have smooth pudding.

Hope you try this life hack and get some good texture of pudding. This way of doing it is also very useful for making pudding creams.

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